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The Damned 2024 Full Movie Watch Netflix

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The Damned 2024 Full Movie Watch Netflix

The Damned 2024 online

Minervini commissions a set in Montana and then lets the crew live there for two months


In the winter of 1862, during the Civil War, the United States Army sends a volunteer company to patrol the uncharted western territories. The Cursed: In the winter of 1862, a volunteer Union force is sent to defend the mountainous territory, we are not told where it is, we do not even know the names of the soldiers. When the regular troops set out, they are under the command of a John Brown-esque patriarch with a flowing beard, with his teenage sons also enlisted.

A buffalo is shot and killed

The soldiers are a mixed bag, some middle-aged or even older, most in their thirties. Those lacking military experience all contribute their knowledge and skills. We witness mobile sentries and gunfire at distant horsemen.

War is hell, especially when you no longer know why you are there

The bleak landscape, the hills, the mountain meadows, the snow that is falling, the cold rations running out – all this adds to the growing sense of existential despair. The battle is ongoing, we cannot see the enemy, we see the losses of the individual. A film very much in the Ken Loach style, without everyday dialogues and with many ordinary people, amateurs like soldiers.

Some of them outstay their welcome

This improvisation leads to philosophical, religious and political discussions around the campfires. However, this is a minor distraction from the stark portrayal of people at war. Written and directed by Roberto Minervini, 8/10.

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